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About Us


It's great to have you here at First Baptist Church of Norristown! If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call, send us an email, or stop by the church during open hours.

There are many ways to get involved with ministry here at First Baptist Church of Norristown. We are a congregation that loves to participate in outreach within and beyond our community as we commit ourself to be the hands and feet of our Father wherever and whenever He calls us. From mission trips to church festivals and community cleanups to charity fundraisers, we are a body of believers willing to help wherever and whenever we can.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Will I Meet?

First Baptist Church of Norristown is home for many in our community. We are a group of believers from all walks of life. You find loving parents helping their children navigate through the struggles of life. You'll find grandparents and great-grandparents delighted to spoil their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We're a church of students making their way through their school careers and young families excited to enter an exciting new stage of life. You'll meet office managers, blue-collar workers, medical professionals, business owners, retirees, and stay-at-home parents. You'll find avid Philadelphia sports fans, excellent cooks, and dedicated hobbyists. And, most importantly, you'll come to discover a community of messy and broken people lavishly loved by Jesus Christ.

What's Worship Like?

Our weekly worship consists primarily of four parts: music, prayer, connection, and the Word. Worship begins at 10:30 AM and is usually finished around 12:00 PM. You'll hear a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs, led by our talented Praise Band​ volunteers. During the service, we dedicate some time for anyone who wants to share a praise or prayer concern with the rest of the congregation. The Word of God is the foundation for all that we do in church, and we receive the message every week from our pastor (and guest speakers, on occasion). We encourage anyone who feels called to partake in communion on the first Sunday of every month. We also encourage everyone to stay for a bit after the service to connect with other members of the church and enjoy some snacks. We also provide free childcare during the service. 

What Should I Wear?

Whatever you find most comfortable! Our Father's desire is that you know Him and make Him known to the world. He doesn't care how dressed-up or dressed-down you are, He invites you to come as you are! Whether you prefer to worship in a suit or dress, khakis or jeans, button-downs or t-shirts, you're more than welcome in the House of the Lord.

Where Is The Church?

Guiding Principles


"Shepherding messy and broken people toward holiness and wholeness through our Savior and Healer."

That's our focus here at the First Baptist Church of Norristown. Our mission is to foster a community made up of authentic people with a culture accepting of broken people. We want to move together towards the wholeness and holiness that is ours through Jesus Christ. The freedom to be real creates a welcoming space where we can walk and grow with one another as we develop our relationship with Jesus.


We believe in a personal God, our Father, who made the heavens and the earth. Our Father God is perfect, all-powerful, all-knowing, and ​all-loving. He listens and responds to prayer, loves us unconditionally, and is the One to whom we give all the glory. Jesus, our Savior and LORD, is God’s only Son who came to live among us in order to show us the kindness, goodness, and mercy of our Father through his life, actions, and teachings. In His death on the cross, Jesus gave His own perfect and sinless life so that our sins may be forgiven and we may come to know the Father through Him.

After His resurrection, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Guide, to dwell in all believers. By the power of the Spirit at work in us, we come to know our Father more deeply in relationship, experience transformation in our lives, and hear His invitation to join in His work in Norristown and this world. We believe the Bible is our Father’s love letter to us – written by people of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit. In its words we meet our Father, hear Him speak to us, and find our lives and ministries transformed. These beliefs lead us to teach and preach Jesus and His Gospel, in the hope that all people will come to meet Him and to know His abundant life today.


Faith: engaging in God-sized tasks only with His help

​Service: giving away our lives for Him and our community
Community: ​investing in others' spiritual and physical needs
​Bible-Centered Life: living a life guided solely by His Word


Craving God: yearning for a deeper relationship our Father
​Crazy Faith: unconditionally believing in His power and works
​Costly Love: sacrificially loving like Jesus loves us
​Courageous Obedience: willfully choosing to live by His Word
​Committed Service: answering His call no matter when or where
Contagious Joy: spreading the joy of knowing and serving Jesus

Knowing Jesus

Scripture is amazingly clear that our Father God chose you before the foundation of the heavens and earth to be His child, through the forgiveness of sins granted to each one of us through the blood of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1). He chose you, and He chooses you still. Perhaps more importantly, our Father God wants you to know Him. He gave the fullest revelation of His heart, His plans, His will, and His Kingdom in Jesus, His Son. He makes His heart known through every page of the Bible. And His Spirit lives within every Christian, that we might truly know our God!

​In John 10, Jesus says that we can know His voice, hear Him when He calls, and live in absolute certainty that He calls our name and draws us to Himself. That’s what we mean by knowing Him: having a close, deep, vibrant, growing relationship with a very real, very alive God! Whether you’ve never before met Jesus or have known Him for decades, He is ready to let you know Him even more. Our God is a Person with a personality, the ability to speak, and a real desire for relationship. Why not begin getting to know Him more by simply talking to Him, listening for Him to speak, opening His Word, and making intentional time to be with Him?

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